
Tips on getting the cheapest auto insurance rate

Would you like to pay less for auto insurance? Having an auto insurance policy could cost you an arm and a leg sometimes but there are ways of lowering your insurance premium. Here are some tips that could help you lower the cost of your auto insurance policy:

  1. Keep your driving record clean and without complications to get an affordable price on your insurance policy. This is as simple as it sounds since having a clean driving record will always help you avoid an increase of premium later during the life of your policy.
  2. Increasing or raising your deductible will affect the premium of your policy. If you desire to carry Comprehensive and Collision coverage with a low deductible, the cost of your policy will be higher most of the time. It is important that you look at your choices every time with your insurance agent and chose the right deductible amount for you.
  3. Multi-Vehicle discount is applied to a policy that holds two or more vehicles. If there is more than one vehicle in the household try getting a quote on a policy and coverage for all of them. This way, you will be getting the same discount on all units.
  4. Do you currently have insurance on your car? When getting a quote with a new provider mention your current insurance policy and you could get a “Prior Insurance Discount”. This depends on how many months you have been insured in the past without a gap.
  5. Paying your insurance premium up front and in full will help you save additional finance charges for making monthly payments.
  6. Review your coverage at least on every renewal with the help of your agent. Your insurance agent will guide you to make the best decisions that hopefully will keep your premium and your policy in check
  7. Are you married or single? This is a question one needs to answer honestly. Although, many times married individuals pay less for auto insurance than single drivers; answering this question accurately will help you make sure that your insurance company cover any damages you cause without hesitation as stated on your policy jacket.
  8. List all the drivers that live in your household. Listing all the individuals and family members that have access to your vehicles will give you peace of mind that all of them will be completely covered in case of an accident.
  9. Lean to UMPD when necessary. Uninsured Motorist Property Damage is the coverage that provides insurance to your own vehicle in case of being hit by a driver that carries no insurance on their car. UMPD is a great option when Comprehensive and Collision get out of hand sometimes.
  10. Always include Medical Payments coverage to your policy. Although you will pay a little more on your premium, having Medical Payments coverage could provide you with the money you need to cover for medical expenses in case of an accident.

And there you have them, 10 great tips for saving a little more on your auto insurance and getting the right coverage at the same time. Always speak to your insurance agent for advice and don’t forget to give us a call at 877-999-2644 for a FREE review of your current policy.

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