Springtime Hazards for Homeowners and Drivers – Make sure you’re ready!

April showers might bring May flowers but spring weather, in general, can bring about a whole new set of problems too. Many of them hitting you where it hurts most: your wallet.

What To Do if you’re Pulled Over

Getting pulled over by the police, even for the slightest infraction, can be an uncomfortable and emotional ordeal. Especially for those who have never been pulled over in the past, and are unsure of how to act. In any case, there are a few things that any driver should know should they be stopped.

12 Must-Do’s Before Buying a House

Buying a house is an exciting feat that many people dream of accomplishing at some point in their life. At the same time, it’s probably the largest investment you’ll make. So, before diving into the world of homeownership here’s a list of steps you should take.

5 Car Maintenance Tasks You Can Do Yourself

We all try to play the saving game as best as we can. However, when even the smallest of things go wrong with our cars, it’s easier to schedule time at the shop than try to fix it ourselves, costing us quite a bit of money in the process. And while many things should be left to the professionals, there are a couple of tasks that you can easily check or fix at home.

Road Rage – How to Avoid “Hulking Out” When Driving

Road rage – It gets even the best of us. You’re calmly driving to your destination when another driver decides to cut you off, nearly hitting your car in the process. In this or any other similar scenario, it can be very easy to fall back on anger.

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