What is the best auto insurance coverage for me?

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There is no right auto insurance coverage in general. It all depends on how much auto insurance coverage you think you will need in case of having a claim that will cover your assets accordingly. If you have no idea on how to determine what a good auto insurance coverage will be for yourself, here are a few tips that will help you out:

The right auto insurance coverage starts by measuring the amount of assets you currently have. The more assets you own, the higher coverage you will want to have.

What is your type of driving? Although, this may not play such an important part on choosing your coverage for many, it is always useful to identify our way of driving a car in order to determine the type of damage we could cause to other parties.

Independently of how much liability insurance you choose, it is always a good idea to add Medical Payments Coverage to your policy. This is a coverage for the people riding with you and yourself. Medical Payments Coverage will pay for medical expenses such as the ambulance service bill, x-rays, paramedics, hospital bill, etc.

What car do you drive? Do you need full coverage? Are you still making payments on your car? If you are, most likely you will need to add Comprehensive and Collision to your policy. If you are done paying off your vehicle you may want to ask about UMPD which provides protection to your own property if hit by an uninsured motorist. Its not quite like full coverage but provides some insurance for your own car and is less expensive.

Bottom line is, the right auto insurance coverage is the one that protects all of your assets in case of a claim. If you are at fault in an auto accident and your coverage is not enough to cover for all damages, more likely than not, you will still be liable for the remaining difference. And, depending on the case, they can come after you and what you own until there is no balance outstanding. A vehicle claim, could leave you gasping for air; but, if you use your insurance correctly you will be just fine.

Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment. ~Wikipedia, Insurance definition

Later on, we will be posting an auto claim scenario as an example to learn more.

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