Important Questions To Ask When Purchasing Your Chicago Auto Insurance

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As a Chicago auto insurance agency, we enjoy when a new client walks into any of our offices searching for a good auto insurance policy that he or she will be satisfied with. Now, that is when we come into play. In order for a customer to walk out of our office with a smile on his face knowing that the insurance policy he just got is more than enough to cover him for damages he could cause to other people will be covered.

I, personally, love when a customer is interested on his coverage, when a client asks questions means that he will be staying with us for a long time to come just because we take the time to answer these questions and build up his confidence on our company. Here are a few of the questions that we love to hear from our clients at Amigo Insurance. Maybe you could ask these too to your own insurance agent:

  1. What are my liability limits?
  2. What is the difference between liability and full coverage?
  3. What is a good option to cover the damages to my vehicle besides full coverage?
  4. What is full coverage, really?
  5. Do I have Medical Payments on my policy?
  6. What happens if I get hit by someone that does not have insurance?
  7. Sometimes I use my vehicle for business purposes, will my insurance cover me in case of an accident?
  8. If I lend my car to someone else, will that person be covered under my insurance in case of an accident?
  9. Is my vehicle covered under my specific insurance?

If you do not know the answer to one or more of these questions, most likely you are not aware of many other things about your coverage. Take the time to call your insurance agent and clear all of your questions about your auto policy. You will feel more at ease knowing what your policy covers and what it does not cover. Plus, you will see ways of improving your coverage and getting the best out of your money.

If we could help in any way don’t hesitate calling us at (877)999-2644 or getting a free Chicago Auto Insurance quote.